Educational Events Update

An important part of POZabilities mission is education. While much is already known about HIV and its impact on the body, there is new information being made available all the time. As the average age of people living with HIV moves towards passing 60 years of age, we also have to deal with not only aging issues, but the fact that people living with HIV age faster than the general population due to ongoing inflammatory response the the virus. There is also an ever changing landscape of federal, state and local programs and policy that folks need to be aware of.

With all of this in mind, POZabilities offers a series of efforts which provide access to and forums for discussion of these and other relevant issues. Here are a few of these programs from 2024:

HIV and Aging Town Hall

In February, POZabilities, supported by funding from The Reunion Project, presented a town hall on HIV and Aging. This well received day included panel discussions and presentation from researchers, providers, mental health workers and others to update folks on the impact of HIV on the aging process. We also invited the county Health and Human Services group to present progress on the effort to end the HIV Epidemic, as even long term survivors have a key role to play.

San Diego HIV Consortium

A separate program of POZabilities, the SDHIVC is sponsored and managed by Dr Joseph Caperna and John Steinmetz. This group has a monthly forum covering a wealth of information on what is happening in the research and treatment community.Topics have included reports from major conferences, yoga, spiritual health, medication updates and other key information presented by the experts in the field. for more info go to

HIV News Blog

POZabilities also publishes an occasional blog covering items of interest to the HIV+ population. Topics are relevant to the community and may cover government program updates, treatment changes, conference Reports and more. Members of the group regularly attend conferences and participate in local policy and research initiatives and share that information with the POZabilities community. 2024 events include:

  • AIDSWatch 2024, Washington, DC

  • International Workshop on HIV and Aging, Washington DC

  • Collaboration in Care Conference: Empowered Aging, Thriving Beyond HIV, San Diego, CA

  • International AIDS Society Annual Conference, Munich, Germany

  • San Diego AIDS Clinical Trials Group CAB, Monthly

  • San Diego HIV Planning Group, Board members

POZabilities will continue to be at the forefront of knowledge about HIV and ensure that this information is made available to the community locally.


Ongoing Programs Update


2024 Year End Financial Report