OA-Hipp Insurance Enrollment
Being Alive
It is the mission of Being Alive San Diego to deliver quality, compassionate services to people affected by HIV and AIDS; and to provide education and referral services to those in need. The Agency's goal is not just to help people living with HIV/AIDS, but to help them live well.
Family Health Centers of San Diego (FHCSD)
These facilities are offering primary comprehensive HIV care, prevention, LGBTQ health services such as programs specifically designed for gay men of color, Prep navigation, transgender-informed health care, free HIV testing, ADAP enrollment, case management, dental and hygiene care, education and prevention, LGBTQ services, medical care, OA-HIPP enrollment, peer advocacy, Ryan White Care and transgender health.
Office of AIDS Center for Infectious Diseases (OA-CDPH)
OA works collaboratively with state and federal agencies, local health jurisdictions, universities, and community-based organizations to ensure that efforts to combat the HIV/AIDS epidemic are targeted and effective.