A positive resource for HIV+ San Diegans and their supporters
In 2000, a group of HIV+ men started meeting for coffee and formed a social alternative to the bars. The group would provide drug-and-alcohol-free social activities for its members as a means of networking and support. With the goal of enhancing the spirit and enhancing the health and well-being of HIV positive people in San Diego, a movie night, beach bonfire, volleyball, and other activities were soon added. POZabilities still meets for coffee twice a week and offers two to three other activities each month and Thanksgiving and Christmas Day potlucks.
In 2015 POZabilities became a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit charity offering social activities and producing community forums and workshops covering topics of interest to all those affected by HIV. We also offer NeXT, an exercise and nutrition education program for HIV positive San Diegans. POZabilities holds quarterly educational forums about issues important to those living with HIV. POZabilities social activities and other events are open to all those living and aging with HIV and the community at large.
In 2024 POZabilities expanded its outreach to become a community for all persons living & thriving with HIV/AIDS to establish connections with others living in San Diego. As POZabilities continues to provide an environment that promotes a positive image of people from all walks of life living & thriving with HIV/AIDS, it is recognized that HIV affects all genders. Aspiring to uphold the well established Legacy, Mission & Values of this long standing organization, our direction of forward thinking welcomes engagement & partnerships with all those living with or affected by HIV or supporting the HIV community.
Let’s Enjoy Life Together!
Our Mission Statement
POZabilities is an inclusive volunteer effort to reduce isolation, depression & stigma among individuals in San Diego who are living & thriving with HIV and their supporters through education, outreach & networking.
Our Values
POZabilities envisions an inclusive HIV+ community where social support is strong, where isolation, HIV prejudice and discrimination are eliminated, and where HIV+ individuals live healthy and fulfilling lives.
We Aspire To Be
Gender inclusive, forward thinking, collaborative, and willing to engage with the community we serve. Instrumental in efforts to build a community that has the information, support, and mentorship to enable a healthy and supportive environment for all HIV+ people and supporters in San Diego.
A Local Organization
POZabilities directs its efforts to all people living with HIV in the City and County of San Diego, specifically to:
Provide current information, referrals, and forums on relevant issues in particular, information dealing with health promotion and significant life issues to empower those impacted by HIV/AIDS.
To promote a positive, inclusive image of people living with HIV/AIDS, with the aim of eliminating prejudice, isolation, stigmatization, and discrimination.
To maximize our current efforts, we seek to collaborate with other non-profit organizations that qualify under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code providing support to the HIV+ community.
To provide inclusive activities and events for HIV+ individuals in a safe alcohol and drug-free environment for the purpose of relieving isolation and depression.
A 501 ©(3) Nonprofit Charitable organization
Our Federal EIN is 47-3562551. All donations are appreciated and can be made here or by calling Michael Donovan at 619-241-8538.
Board of Directors
Key Documents.
Our bylaws were established in 2015..
Annual Report.
Check out the prior year’s annual report of activity.
Get in Touch
Reach out to us with any questions or concerns you may have. We're here to support you every step of the way. Feel free to choose a secure option to send us your messages.
(619) 241-8538
PO Box 34471
San Diego, CA 92103