Clinical Trials & Research
AIDS Clinical Trial Groups (ACTG) Network
The mission of the AIDS clinical trials group (ACTG) network is to cure HIV and reduce the burden of disease due to HIV infection and its complications, including tuberculosis and viral hepatitis.
American Foundation for AIDS Research (AmFAR)
amfAR, The Foundation for AIDS Research, is one of the world's leading nonprofit organizations dedicated to the support of AIDS research, Clinical Trials, HIV education & prevention and peer advocacy. Since 1985, amfAR has invested nearly $550 million in its programs and has awarded more than 3,300 grants to research teams worldwide.
HIV InSite
HIV InSite is developed by the Center for HIV Information (CHI) at the University of California San Francisco (UCSF), one of the world's leading health sciences institutions. Within UCSF, HIV InSite is produced in collaboration with the San Francisco Veterans Affairs Medical Center and other components of the University's AIDS Research Institute.
UCSD HIV Neurobehavioral Research Center (HNRC)
The mission of the HNRC is to increase our understanding of how HIV and other diseases affect the human nervous system. The Center is supported by public funding from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) (NIMH Award Number P30MH062512). The HNRC conducts local, national, and international research devoted to advancing our knowledge of the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of HIV-related diseases as they affect the brain and nervous system, and result in impairment of everyday functioning.
UCSD Owens Clinic San Diego CA
The Owen Clinic embraces a whole-person view of HIV care. Our multi-lingual, culturally competent providers and staff are dedicated to serving the region's diverse community and improving LGBTQIA health care including mental health, nutrition, drug and alcohol counseling, case management, financial counseling, living well with HIV. Special clinics for women, children, youth, and young adults.
UCSD Antiviral Research Center (AVRC)
The Antiviral Research Center (AVRC) HQ develops and conducts innovative research that enhances the quality and duration of life for people living with or affected by HIV infection and other infections of global significance. The award-winning research center is an established leader in San Diego’s HIV research community and is well known for its HIV testing programs. Internationally, the AVRC extends its research and education programs to Africa, Asia, and South America.
World Health Organization (WHO)
WHO leads global efforts to expand universal health coverage. We direct and coordinate the world’s response to health emergencies. And we promote healthier lives – from pregnancy care through old age. Our Triple Billion targets outline an ambitious plan for the world to achieve good health for all using science-based policies and programs.
VA Special Infectious Disease Program (SPID)
Our vets deserve nothing more than the best! Special Infectious Disease Program (SPID) located in La Jolla, CA (a hilly, seaside neighborhood within the city of San Diego) at the VA Medical Center (really more of a hospital). Services include HIV diagnoses and treatment for the health of the veteran.