Health Information

Welcome to our series of articles intended to provide some background information on how HIV affects our health. There is a tremendous amount of information gleaned through research into HIV and our bodies over the past 50 years. Some conclusive, much more inconclusive or openly conflicting with other reports. We will provide some basic information about the major systems of the body impacted by HIV and then a series of articles and personal stories of how HIV can or has affected these systems.

The material here will start with a few articles and grow over time. If you have stories or information you wish to share, please reach out to us at

The material presented here is intended to educate and inform people about the impacts of HIV on the body and common disease processes that affect people with HIV as they age. It is not a substitute for consultation with your medical provider and may or may not reflect what you experience personally.

We are presenting this material in order to facilitate open discussion between people living with HIV and their care teams. We believe that an open and informed dialogue between patients and their providers is the best way to optimize care and ensure that PLWH can have appropriate and informed discussions with their medical providers.

If you have questions after reading the material here, please take notes. Take those notes to your next medical appointment and ask questions. Everyone is different and your providers can best address questions about YOUR health and care.

Systems of the Body.

In order to gain context for many of the issues we face as People Living with HIV, it is important to gain a basic understanding of the body’s systems and how they may be impacted by HIV and the accelerated aging process and effects of the many medications we take to manage our health.

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HIV and your body.

Once we have the context of the body’s systems, we can examine some of the more common comorbidities, or disease processes that may accompany HIV infection, and how we might deal with them and the impacts on our bodies and lives. We also present personal stories of living with these conditions.

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