What do you want to learn more about?
The NExT program is partnering with Mama’s Kitchen again this year for the nutrition sessions. Research has clearly shown the positive impact of both diet and exercise in improving health outcomes of people living with HIV.
Last year we did a fairly generic set of sessions on how to identify and select healthy options. This year we want to take a more targeted approach. For each of the 6 sessions we will focus on one of the health issues common in PLWH, especially as we age. To help select the topics we cover, we are asking for your help in prioritizing from a list of potential session topics. As with last year, there will be demonstrations of one of the recipes discussed.
We use your email in case we have questions and make no assumptions about why a topic is selected or not. Select topics as your 1st through 6th priority and we’ll take it from there!
Thanks for helping to make this a more targeted and (hopefully) interesting part of the program.